Supplementary Online Material for

"Generating descriptive text from functional brain images"

"Using Wikipedia to learn semantic feature representations of concrete concepts in neuroimaging experiments"

All of these links pertain to the model analyzed in detail in the first paper (model with 40 topics and alpha=25/#topics, the model with the fewest topics where we can achieve asymptotic performance).

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Text output from brain images, for every concept

For each concept, the table displays the top 20 words deemed most probable from its brain image (the 10 which are in the corresponding wikipedia article and the 10 which are not, as in Figure 3):

participant P1 (shown in paper)
participant P4
participant P9

The brain image for a concept is held out as a test set together with each one of the other 59 concepts; there are hence 59 slightly different sets of topic probabilities predicted for that concept. The table was produced using the average of those 59.

Word probabilities predicted from brain images, for every concept pair

For each pair of concepts, these are the word probabilities given by the distribution derived from the example brain images for those concepts, when they were in the test set (as shown for "apartment" and "hammer" in Figure 3):

participant P1 (shown in paper)
participant P4
participant P9

Topic model

These are visualizations of a topic model learned on approximately 3500 Wikipedia articles (alpha=25/#topics):